Krista Marie

Brand Strategy + Photography

When you have a brand that stands out and is clear & recognizable, your audience won't be able to stop binging your content and buying your offers/services.

i'm APPLYING now

Create a brand that sells your offers & services 24/7 

so you don't have to

And if I were to ask you: What content makes your audience reach out? You would have no idea how to answer. And you don't know what's working and what's not working when it comes to your marketing. 

You'll get new client inquiries here and there, but it feels unpredictable and you have no idea what it was that you shared that made them inquire

You're so over the advice that tells you to just "show up more consistently", "raise (or lower) your prices", "share more about you", "use trending audios", and "just sell more".

You've tried all of this and nothing has worked. You don't have a simple marketing plan that you can rinse and repeat every week, and you're burned out from constantly trying out new strategies.

You want to open your phone everyday to new client inquiries in your inbox, and dream clients finding you on IG saying "I'm so glad I found you! How can I work with you?"

When you have a clear, compelling, and intentional brand, selling gets to be the easiest part of your job (because your brand does all of the heavy lifting for you).

You get to spend more of your time working with dream clients (rather than trying to convince them to hire you).

This happens when you have a strong brand foundation

I'm so ready, let's do this!

In-Demand Brand Foundation







You say you want a business that consistently brings in new leads & clients while you sleep (and that are already sold on hiring you before they even reach out).

But let's be honest... what you *really* want is to be able to take your dogs on long walks everyday, not feeling stressed about where your next client is coming from. You want to be able to make dinner every night for you and your family, listening to your new audiobook (instead of going over your to-do list in your head). You want to be able to make your coffee every morning and have your phone light up and say "congrats! you just got paid". 


We are visual beings, and when our brand visuals don't match the words that we're sharing, it creates a disconnect between us and our dream clients.

Whether you're a local client, flying out for a photoshoot, or want access to my brand photoshoot strategy -- you'll walk away with a clear plan on how to create photos that do more than just stand out. Your photos will increase your audience's perceived value of your business (so clients will be HAPPY to book your highest offers and packages). 

This is a coaching program that skips the unhelpful advice to "just keep trying things" to see what works.

When you create a powerful personal brand, you no longer feel the need to continuously adopt new marketing strategies (because what you're already doing, will be working). 

In this coaching program, you're not going to get a vague list of content/topic ideas. We dive into the specifics of *your* dream clients and create magnetic messaging exclusively for them.

We'll create messaging and content that speaks so clearly to your dream clients, they won't be able to stop thinking "this is exactly what I need!" Which makes saying yes to working with you the easiest, no brainer decision they could ever make.

How will building an in-demand brand transform your business?

1:1 support catered to exactly where you are
& where you want to go



Whether you've been in business for a month, a year or 5 years -- you'll have access to high touch coaching and mentorship where you'll get support and feedback in real time to help you take the next steps towards your goals.

The reality is, the business strategies that worked in the past, won't necessarily be the strategies that get you to where you want to go. Which is why we audit your current strategies to figure out what's working & what's not.

When you build an intentional brand, selling becomes the easiest part of your job because your content & messaging does all of the heavy lifting for you.

This reality happens when you have both clarity and structure around your marketing strategy. No overhwelming, complicated systems that you never use. No 15-page brand document that's buried in the depths of your email (that you never look at). 


Right now you're waking up everyday, scrolling through instagram hoping to get some inspiration on what to post -- and instead, after a few minutes of seeing other people crushing their content, you close the app and think to yourself "I'll just post tomorrow". 

You can't stop feeling like you must be missing something. You've tried all different kinds of social media strategies but none of them seem to make a difference. You're convinced that it's just the algorithm working against you and you need to focus on visibility (by creating trending reels and hoping to go viral). 

Even though you've been in business for a while, you're feeling frustrated that the things that worked to grow your business in the past, don't seem to be making a difference anymore. 

So you find yourself constantly thinking about all of the things you "should" be doing, and feeling more and more guilty whenever you're not working.

You want to not have to stress about when you're going to get your next client. You want to be able to wake up everyday, feeling confident that the work that you're doing is actively bringing in new clients on repeat. 

You want your business to feel safe, supportive and predictable. 

What would your life look like if you had a brand that did all of the selling for you, so that when ever you hopped on a call with a new client, they were ready to book your highest package -- no hesitation. 

A life where you get to get to put your phone on "do not disturb" while you're catching up on the Great British Baking Show because you know that your content and website will continue to bring in clients, even when you're unplugged and not working. 

My Client Wins Speak For Themselves

Organizing and tracking your content for easy sharing and repurposing

Creating an offer funnel strategy that is always working for you

Simplifying your backend systems so you no longer waste time or money on things you don't need

What's included?

As a brand coaching client, you'll have access to bi-weekly 1:1 video coaching calls, weekly content reviews, daily slack support, and access to any workshops/trainings that I create during our time together.


The frameworks & tools you'll get access to:

 (You’re here? You’re amazing. I know it.) 👋🏻

Whoops, have I not introduced myself yet? 

I’m Krista — your brand strategist + photographer BFF.

Just like you, I’m always dreaming into the next level version of my business & my brand.

And I know what a gift it is when you can trust someone to support you as you're pushing past your fears and going for what you really want.

And it’s really important, if we work together, that you feel both supported and challenged (in a helpful way)

Because when you don’t have to worry about…
having everything figured out
showing up perfectly
extracting the details from your dream & vision

…it frees you up to be your most creative, confident self. 

"The 'creating your brand voice' exercise has been super helpful to me as I've started my business! I thought I had identified my brand voice already because I had previously mapped it out from another course I had purchased. Unfortunately, I still felt lost in creating content because I didn't believe in what I was saying and it felt like content creation took forever because I was trying to make it sound a certain way. Now, I'm able to create content much faster because I have identified my unique brand voice and I feel more authentic in my content!"


"Put another highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."


"And another one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."

and another NAME GOES HERE

I'm not sure if I'm 100% ready to invest

I understand how important it is to evaluate every investment you make in your business. And, I also know how important it is to have a content and marketing strategy that works. When you know how to speak clearly and directly to dream clients, you create a brand that allows you to spend less time behind your computer, and more time doing what you love doing - getting paid to serve your clients.

There's always going to be a risk when you invest in a coaching program -- but when you do your research about the program (like you're doing now) and make the decision to believe in yourself and trust that you have what it takes to create a business that fully supports your life (& not the other way around), everything shifts.

Frequently Asked Questions

This depends on a few factors:

(1) Where you are in your business currently and what you already have setup
(2) You'll get what you put into the program

You'll always see the biggest shifts when you show up, are open to trying new things, and let yourself take actions that are outside of your comfort zone. 

And, when we work together, you'll be supported the entire time.

Daily! I'm available for support via slack (free app) Monday-Friday. You'll have the ability to send both voice and text messages to get support around questions you have and/or any challenges you're working through. 

You will be able to book your 1:1 coaching calls up to 30 days in advance. So for example, if you wanted to book out your calls for the month, you'll be able to book out your two calls at the same time. I usually recommend that clients give themselves at least 2 weeks in-between calls so they have time to complete the brand work exercises.

This depends on how long we work together. For clients wanting to create sustainable, long lasting results, I recommend working together for at least 3-6 months. The more time we have together, the deeper we can dive into your brand, and the more lasting your results are.

Send me a DM on Instagram (@heykristamarie) or an email

How long will it take for me to see results?

How often will I get real time coaching/feedback?

How far in advance will I need to book my calls?

How much will we accomplish during our coaching?

I have more questions, what should I do?

A year from now your life and business could look so different....

No guarantees of earnings

Endorsement and Testimonial Clause