dream Photo Business

Because that’s how this all started, right?

Let’s talk about YOUR dreams


You didn’t build your photography business to feel stressed out. You built your business because you wanted to share your gift with the world. You created something you knew people needed, a way to relive their most special and important memories. You believed in yourself and your gifts.

The anxiety, stress, and creative burnout? Those came later…

And you won't catch me letting them stop you from achieving your biggest dreams.

Building a business is hard. There isn’t a road map that works for everyone (despite the ads you might see that talk about tripling your income using someone’s 3-step system).

The good news? That’s what makes it so rewarding when you build your own map.

Guess what? That swirling concoction of feelings is totally normal.

…and you can feel overwhelmed, full of self-doubt, and like you have no idea what you’re doing, all at once. (Even girl-bosses have anxiety.)

You can be qualified, successful, and capable

Two things can be true at the same time

You just found your people. *hair flip*



If . . .

…You love being part of a community where dreaming big, PUSHING PAST YOUR FEARS & TAKING INSPIRED ACTION are the norms


Welcome to AMPLIFY.

AMPLIFY is also much more personal and, if I say so, much more impactful than most group coaching programs.

Because the need for accountability and support doesn’t go away — it evolves with your GROWING business.

AMPLIFY is a life-long membership, not a six-week program

  • Overcoming resistance and creating an impactful action plan for you that not only creates more momentum in your business, but that ALSO supports your nervous system (AKA less anxiety and fear)

  • Marketing made simple — but not in a cookie-cutter way. In a “How do these strategies make you feel? Which strategies are sustainable for you? Which ones are working FOR you right now?” kinda way

  • Seeing the BIGGER picture in your business and connecting with your deeper WHY so that you can create a sustainable, thriving business (& strategy)

  • Making over your money mindset, because most of us have complicated and conflicting feelings about money that affect the way we value (or don’t value) our energy and our time (NOTE: Members really value and appreciate this aspect of the program)

  • Removing the overwhelm from your strategies, allowing you to show up more CONSISTENTLY 
As an AMPLIFY member, you'll get instant access to:

  • Monthly group coaching calls (two per month, in an intimate setting on zoom) so you can get support around your roadblocks and challenges, and learn from other members

  • Monthly co-working calls to help you take big action

  • Monthly tech calls to help you improve your internal systems

  • Group community to get support and ask questions in-between coaching calls

  • An enneagram assessment & trainings to learn more about your type (and how to lean into your natural superpowers)

  • Additional workshops & business trainings

Instead, we talk about…

We skip the GENERALIZED ADVICE & formulas...

When you join, you become part of a community of uplifting and encouraging photographers where you can ask questions, share wins and get support as you grow.


One time Payment

Whichever option you choose, you'll get immediate, on-going access into the program.

Once the full payment has been received, you'll no longer be charged for future access!

Amplify Payment Options

Ready to join Amplify?

Take the next step in your business


5 Monthly Payments

For lifetime membership


8 Monthly Payments

— Sarah

Krista does such a great job at leading the group in AMPLIFY and really leans into her intuition on what to share each TIME!

It's really nice having the space to connect with other like minded photographers and business owners and have the extra support and accountability! It's also really encouraging to hear what other people are going through and not feeling so alone. 

 If you are looking for a safe place to learn and grow and be encouraged, you definitely should join! It's also great for the added accountability and being able to share wins with people. I love it!!

…You have a long list of things you “should” be doing & you FEEL overwhelmed AND STRUGGLE WITH CONSISTENTLY SHOWING UP 


If . . .

…You want to understand why the same roadblocks keep coming up for you & how to move past them (SO YOU CAN BOOK CLIENTS ON REPEAT)

…You’re ready to build systems that play to your strengths, AND GET 1:1 COACHING (AND MASTERMIND SUPPORT) FOR EXTRA CLARITY & ACCOUNTABILITY

It’s time to talk about 1:1 coaching

This coaching program is about more than just building sustainable systems…

Once we can answer that question, the how-to and the logistics become the easy part.

Self-trust, confidence, clarity, and taking inspired action toward meaningful and impactful work? That’s the hard part.
So that’s what we’ll work on together.

...and it's not the sketchy "make six figures in six months" kind of program that you see other coaches offering (If I'm being honest, I hate that kind of marketing)

(not for the person whose IG profile you anxiety-scroll through on a weekly basis)? 

What does a meaningful, sustainable business look like for you?

It’s about getting to the root of who you are, understanding THE TYPE OF PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS you’re BUILDING, and getting clear on how to leverage your strengths to ACTUALLY build A BUSINESS THAT SUPPORTS ITSELF & YOU. 

This is a tailored-to-you, 1:1 coaching program that is designed to support you in all aspects as you grow...both as the visionary (as you dream up your long-term goals) & in the day-to-day-moments as you set up your strategies and systems.


1:1 spots are currently full, however

... the waitlist is open

When you join the waitlist, you'll get early access whenever spots become available. 1:1 coaching also includes a group mastermind experience and there's no commitment to join the waitlist to learn more.

You get a blend of INDIVIDUALIZED coaching + tactical business strategY SUPPORT like...

If your favorite photography business course + mentorship program had a baby, this 1:1 coaching program is it.

Upgrading Your Pricing, Packages & Money Mindset
The baseline of your business – your pricing, package structure and money mindset. These three things will be the foundations of growing a thriving, sustainable business. Even if you already have these in place, I'll help you feel confident about your pricing and your packages – and you’ll learn how to reframe those sneaky limiting beliefs into empowered, more impactful ones. 


You get a blend of INDIVIDUALIZED coaching + tactical business strategY SUPPORT like...

If your favorite photography business course + 1:1 coaching program had a baby, this program is it.

Create A Cohesive Brand + Optimize Your Website & IG
Everyone talks about being authentic, and there’s a reason for it – your clients want to know, like and trust you – the REAL and fullest version of you. We’ll get clear on who your ideal clients are and how you can best market yourselves to them, we'll also create cohesion in your brand, and make sure that your IG and website have the necessary things you need to turn your inquiries into booked clients.


You get a blend of INDIVIDUALIZED coaching + tactical business strategY SUPPORT like...

If your favorite photography business course + 1:1 coaching program had a baby, this program is it.

Content, Marketing & Goal Setting
Momentum really starts to build inside our business when we: (1) have clarity around our goals, (2) a wealth of content to share & (3) when we take inspired action. We’ll focus on content creation strategies so that you can take the guesswork out of blogging & sharing, we’ll create a strategic marketing calendar for you for the year (so you always feel prepared), and create clear (and attainable) business & financial goals. 


You get a blend of INDIVIDUALIZED coaching + tactical business strategY SUPPORT like...

If your favorite photography business course + 1:1 coaching program had a baby, this program is it.

Blogging & SEO
Gone are the days when blogging feels like a chore. We’ll create systems so that your monthly blog posts can be done in one afternoon. No stress! We’ll also cleanup any old blog posts that aren’t attracting ideal clients, dive into some SEO strategies (including generating specific keywords for you), create a tracker so you can easily plan out all of your blog posts, and blog templates to make it feel fast & easy. 


You get a blend of INDIVIDUALIZED coaching + tactical business strategY SUPPORT like...

If your favorite photography business course + 1:1 coaching program had a baby, this program is it.

Your Backend Systems & Finances
When women feel empowered with their money, they change the world. We’re going to spend time getting comfortable with your finances so you can feel more confident with your money decisions. This includes understanding your money mindset, cleaning up any unnecessary business expenses. I know it’s tempting to avoid this part, but clients often tell me this is one of the MOST IMPACTFUL things we do together.


You get a blend of INDIVIDUALIZED coaching + tactical business strategY SUPPORT like...

If your favorite photography business course + 1:1 coaching program had a baby, this program is it.

Streamlining Your Processes & Workflows
We'll focus on streamlining your process while also building out an irresistible client experience. I’ll help you fully setup your CRMs, automations, questionnaires, and your backend inquiry process. I'll help you remove the headache from some of your backend and admin work. It'll make it easy for clients to say YES to booking you, and more likely that they'll tell all of their friends about how AMAZING the experience was!


— Shannon

“I started getting clients, put systems into place, built and re-built my programS, lead magnets, etc.

When I first started working with Krista, I was trying to get my business and course off the ground. I was taking on too much all at once and was struggling to work smarter, not harder. I really needed support, clarity and accountability. Krista was able to help me look at my overall business and make a plan on how to grow it as I moved forward.

We forget to trust that we know things. We undermine our own expertise. We stand in our own way.

(And if you’ve read this far, it’s clear to me that you’re invested in finding out.)

The only way to find out is to trust yourself enough to go for it.

As women business-owners, we often get caught up running around asking everyone for permission…

The scary and exciting truth is that you can build any kind of business you want, and you can probably succeed at it. There’s no right or wrong way. You’ll try things that won’t work, and you’ll course correct. You’ll try things that will work, and you’ll keep going.

”How do I do XYZ?”
”What should I do with this email?”
”Is it okay if I structure my time this way?”
”Is this package priced too high?”

Kudos to us for being so great at resource-finding and collaborating. But … the problem with asking everyone else for permission all the time?

see if coaching is a good fit

So, what do you say?