"An Entrepreneur gold mine

Such great actionable steps delivered in a way that’s so easy to comprehend and put into action. Krista is a fantastic host!"


"Extremely actionable!

It allows us listeners to actually move the needle in our businesses and take small actions that create big change. Krista is so smart and so helpful and I am so glad I found the show!


It’s like getting advice from a friend about business

There is a lot of tips and strategies that all business owners need to hear!

Hey Krista! Do you have any advice on...

Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Podchaser Fear and risk are a part of our day to day life as a small business owner — and because of that fact, it’s SO incredibly important that we know how to look at risk and decide if it’s wort the potential OPPORTUNITIES that it can […]

Ep. 089: Embracing fear & risk as a small business owner w/ Jessica Urquhart

She Calls Her Shots Podcast

Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Podchaser Let’s talk about goal setting! There are so many ways to think about your goals and your dreams but the one honest truth is this — if it’s not coming from a DEEP place — a place where you feel true ALIGNMENT — it’s likely not […]

Ep. 084: Setting vision-based goals to lead you to success

She Calls Her Shots Podcast

Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Podchaser If you’re anything like me, you’re probably tired of hearing the “get rich quick” marketing strategies. Anytime someone tries to sell me on their specific “formula” or “strategy” around how they made six figured in 30 days, I immediately start running in the other direction. It’s […]

Ep. 077: Leveraging your network to boost sales and drive impact w/ Erica Castner

She Calls Her Shots Podcast